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Visualizing modern C++ code using Clang and UML

Published: at 10:00 AM

For many years now, Unified Modeling Language has been widely considered dead and/or irrelevant for C++ software development, especially post-C++11. On the other hand, several high quality open source frameworks for rendering UML (or at least quasi-UML) diagrams are continuously developed and maintained such as PlantUML or MermaidJS, which could potentially be used for visualizing and documenting C++ code bases.

But can these tools still be useful for modern C++ with its lambda expressions, partial template specializations, modules and concepts? Well, in this post I will try to convince you that yes, they can! In particular, I will focus on 3 main areas where automatically generated UML diagrams can be applicable in C++ software development cycle:

The main premise is that UML can still be useful, provided that the diagrams are generated automatically from code and are easily kept up to date along with an evolving code base. For this purpose I developed a tool based on Clang called clang-uml. In the rest of this post I will try to show how diagrams generated using clang-uml can be useful in modern C++ development.

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Motivation and rationale

The main idea behind clang-uml is to automate generation of up-to-date, readable diagrams within a C++ code-base as well as document legacy code, based on a single configuration file, which can be stored alongside .clang-format and .clang-tidy.

clang-uml enables declarative specification of the scope of each diagram, in order to ensure that it’s easy to create small, readable diagrams that cover only a specific aspect of the codebase, and can be easily viewed on a web page or included in documentation.

The key feature of clang-uml, which enables this are diagram filters. They allow to fine tune the scope of each diagram, and thus provide you with a several small, but readable diagrams instead of a single huge diagram that cannot be effectively browsed, printed or included in an online documentation of your project. Diagram filters provide means to explicitly state, which elements of the code should be included in the diagram and which won’t, based on their name, namespace, source location, relationship to other elements and many more.

clang-uml overview

UML meme

What clang-uml can do?

All diagrams in this post were generated using clang-uml version 0.6.0 from actual C++ code, available from this repository and this repository.

First let’s go through some basic examples of types of diagrams that clang-uml can generate and see how it’s YAML-based configuration file looks like.

Class diagrams

Basic class diagram

Let’s start with the most trivial classical UML example - a class diagram with inheritance. Consider the following code:

namespace basic_class {
/// \brief This is class A
class A {
    /// Abstract foo_a
    virtual void foo_a() = 0;

    /// Abstract foo_c
    virtual void foo_c() = 0;

/// \brief This is class B
class B : public A {
    void foo_a() override { }

class C : public A {
    void foo_c() override { }

/// This is class D
/// which is a little like B
/// and a little like C
class D : public B, public C {
     * Forward foo_a
    void foo_a() override { }

     * Forward foo_c
    void foo_c() override { }

    /// Pointer to A
    A *as;

class E : virtual public B, public virtual C {
    /// Forward foo_a
    void foo_a() override { }

    /// Forward foo_c
    void foo_c() override { }

    /// Pointer to A
    A *as;
} // namespace basic_class

Now let’s create the definition for this diagram in .clang-uml config file:

compilation_database_dir: debug
output_directory: diagrams
    type: class
    title: Basic class diagram example
      - basic_example.cpp
    using_namespace: basic_class

This very basic config tells clang-uml that we want to generate a class diagram called basic_example with a title "Basic class diagram example", based on a single translation unit basic_example.cpp and whose all diagram element names should be rendered relative to namespace basic_class.

Now run clang-uml with PlantUML generator (which is default) and convert the generated PlantUML source to an SVG image:

clang-uml -n basic_example
plantuml -tsvg diagrams/basic_example.puml

and the result is:

basic class example

This is fine, but what about all the comments in the code? Let’s extend the diagram config a little bit:

    type: class
    title: Basic class diagram example
    comment_parser: clang
      - basic_example.cpp
    using_namespace: basic_class
        - '{% set e=element("A") %} note left of {{ e.alias }} : {{ trim(e.comment.brief.0) }}'
        - '{% set e=element("basic_class::B") %} note top of {{ e.alias }} : {{ trim(e.comment.brief.0) }}'
        - |
          note right of {{ alias("D") }}
              {{ comment("D").text }}
          end note

Here, we’re telling clang-uml to add at the end (after) of generated PlantUML source a sequence of lines, where each line can contain some Jinja template that will be rendered to actual text by clang-uml based on diagram context.

And here is the diagram with comments:

basic class example with comments

Smart pointer relationships

In the previous example you may have noticed association relationships based on raw pointers - but we don’t really use those any more, right? So how about relationships from smart pointers:

#include <memory>

namespace smart_pointers {
class A { };

class B { };

class C { };

class R {
    std::unique_ptr<A> a;
    std::shared_ptr<B> b;
    std::weak_ptr<C> c;
} // namespace smart_pointers

with the following config:

    type: class
      - smart_pointer_relationships.cpp
    using_namespace: smart_pointers

The generated diagram looks as follows:

smart pointers with std

Well, ok, but I don’t really want std classes in my diagram, I just want to see relationships between classes in my codebase. Let’s tell clang-uml that:

    type: class
      - smart_pointer_relationships.cpp
    using_namespace: smart_pointers
    include:              # <--
      namespaces:         # <--
        - smart_pointers  # <--

The include object defines a filter on the intermediate model, which tells clang-uml to only render entities which belong to smart_pointers namespace.

smart pointers

Much better!

Template specialization relationships

Now, with modern C++ we should be using inheritance less and less, so can we use UML to visualize template relationsihps somehow? Sure:

#include <algorithm>
#include <array>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <variant>
#include <vector>

namespace template_specializations {
template <typename T, typename... Ts> class A {
    T value;
    std::variant<Ts...> values;

template <int... Is> class B {
    std::array<int, sizeof...(Is)> ints;

template <typename T, int... Is> class C {
    std::array<T, sizeof...(Is)> ints;

class R {
    A<int, std::string, float> a1;
    A<int, std::string, bool> a2;

    B<3, 2, 1> b1;
    B<1, 1, 1, 1> b2;

    C<std::map<int, std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<std::string>>>>, 3, 3,
} // namespace template_specializations

Just add a diagram config:

    type: class
      - template_specializations.cpp
    using_namespace: template_specializations
        - template_specializations

and here is the diagram:

template specializations

Dashed arrows in the diagram represent template specialization/instantiation relationships. In official UML terminology this is actually called template binding, but let’s not go there…


With the introduction of concepts in C++20, non-virtual polymorphism can be used much, much easier and clang-uml supports visualization of concept constraint relationships. Consider the following non-virtual polymorphism example:

#include <string>

namespace concepts {
template <typename T>
concept fruit_c = requires(T t) {

template <typename T>
concept apple_c = fruit_c<T> && requires(T t) { t.get_sweetness(); };

template <typename T>
concept orange_c = fruit_c<T> && requires(T t) { t.get_bitterness(); };

class gala_apple {
    auto get_name() const -> std::string { return "gala"; }
    auto get_sweetness() const -> float { return 0.8; }

class empire_apple {
    auto get_name() const -> std::string { return "empire"; }
    auto get_sweetness() const -> float { return 0.6; }

class lima_orange {
    auto get_name() const -> std::string { return "lima"; }
    auto get_bitterness() const -> float { return 0.8; }

class valencia_orange {
    auto get_name() const -> std::string { return "valencia"; }
    auto get_bitterness() const -> float { return 0.6; }

template <apple_c TA, orange_c TO> class fruit_factory {
    auto create_apple() const -> TA { return TA{}; }
    auto create_orange() const -> TO { return TO{}; }

using fruit_factory_1 = fruit_factory<gala_apple, valencia_orange>;
using fruit_factory_2 = fruit_factory<empire_apple, lima_orange>;

struct R {
    fruit_factory_1 factory_1;
    fruit_factory_2 factory_2;
} // namespace concepts

and the following config:

    type: class
      - concepts.cpp
    using_namespace: concepts
        - concepts

which produce the following diagram:


In the diagram we can see how each factory conforms to the same interface fruit_c through concept constraints, which are rendered with the same arrows as dependencies but contain the name of constrained parameter.

Class diagram with packages

If we want to add a little more structure to class diagrams, we can group the diagram elements into packages based on one of the following:

Let’s try to create a class diagram with packages from C++20 modules:


export module simple_app;
export import :frontend_lib;
export import :frontend_lib.webview;
export import :frontend_lib.desktop;
export import :backend_lib;


export module simple_app:backend_lib;

export namespace simple_app::backend {
class Backend {
} // namespace simple_app::backend


export module simple_app:frontend_lib;

export namespace simple_app::frontend {
namespace detail {
enum class Style { light, dark };
} // namespace detail

class Frontend {
    detail::Style style;

} // namespace simple_app::frontend


export module simple_app:frontend_lib.webview;

import :frontend_lib;

export namespace simple_app::frontend {
class Webview : public Frontend { };
} // namespace simple_app::frontend


export module simple_app:frontend_lib.desktop;

import :frontend_lib;

export namespace simple_app::frontend {
class Desktop : public Frontend { };
} // namespace simple_app::frontend


import simple_app;

#include <memory>

namespace simple_app {
class App {
    std::unique_ptr<frontend::Frontend> frontend;
    std::unique_ptr<backend::Backend> backend;

    int run() { return 0; }
} // namespace simple_app

Now let’s add the following config:

    type: class
      - simple_app/simple_app.cpp
    generate_packages: true
    package_type: module
    using_module: simple_app
    using_namespace: simple_app
        - simple_app

This config tells clang-uml to generate a class diagram, which includes packages based on C++20 modules, the module names should be rendered relative to simple_app module and only include elements defined in simple_app subdirectory. And the diagram looks like this:


Note that clang-uml automatically divides the package name in subpackages based on slices (:), as well as . (although the latter has no representation in the standard and is only a convention)

Sequence diagrams

Another useful type of UML diagrams are sequence diagrams, which represent interactions between participants (e.g. classes) as sequences of messages originating from activities (bodies of functions or methods) to other functions or methods.

Of course, a complete sequence diagram of even a medium size application would be of very little use and would be very difficult to browse. clang-uml provides a mechanism for specifying boundary conditions for sequence diagrams in the following form:

In addition to these conditions, standard inclusion and exclusion filters also work allowing to further limit the size of the diagram by removing for instance private methods, specific namespaces, etc.

Basic sequence diagram

Let’s try to visualize the following code:

namespace basic_sequence {
struct A {
    void a(int i = 10)
        if (i > 0)
            a(i - 1);

    void b(int i = 10) { c(i); }
    void c(int i) { d(i); }
    void d(int i)
        if (i > 0)
            b(i - 1);

void tmain()
    A a;
} // namespace basic_sequence

The configuration file will have one starting condition from:

    type: sequence
      - basic_sequence.cpp
    using_namespace: basic_sequence
        - basic_sequence
      - function: "basic_sequence::tmain()"

and the resulting diagram looks like this:

basic sequence diagram

Nothing too fancy, one interesting thing here is that recursive calls do not generate infinite call chain, but are repeated only once (a(int)).

More complex sequence diagram

Let’s try with a little more complex sequence diagram, a sketch of a simple communication stack using nested template specializations for setting up the message handling sequence:

#include <atomic>
#include <functional>
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <string>

namespace advanced_sequence {
std::string encode_b64(std::string &&content) {
    return std::move(content); }

template <typename T> class Encoder : public T {
    bool send(std::string &&msg) {
        return T::send(std::move(
            // Encode the message using Base64 encoding
            // and pass it to the next layer

    std::string encode(std::string &&msg) {
        return encode_b64(std::move(msg));

template <typename T> class Retrier : public T {
    bool send(std::string &&msg) {
        std::string buffer{std::move(msg)};

        int retryCount = 5;

        // Repeat until send() succeeds or retry
        // count is exceeded
        while (retryCount--) {
            if (T::send(buffer))
                return true;

        return false;

class ConnectionPool {
    void connect() {
        if (!is_connected_.load())

    bool send(const std::string &msg) { return true; }

    void connect_impl() { is_connected_ = true; }

    std::atomic<bool> is_connected_;

int tmain() {
    auto pool = std::make_shared<Encoder<Retrier<ConnectionPool>>>();

    // Establish connection to the remote server synchronously

    // Repeat for each line in the input stream
    for (std::string line; std::getline(std::cin, line);) {
        if (!pool->send(std::move(line)))

    return 0;
} // namespace advanced_sequence

and the following config file:

      type: sequence
        - advanced_sequence.cpp
          - advanced_sequence
          - private
      using_namespace: advanced_sequence
        - function: advanced_sequence::tmain()
      generate_message_comments: true
      generate_condition_statements: true
        - advanced_sequence::tmain()
        - advanced_sequence::Encoder<advanced_sequence::Retrier<advanced_sequence::ConnectionPool>>
        - advanced_sequence::Retrier<advanced_sequence::ConnectionPool>
        - advanced_sequence::ConnectionPool
        - advanced_sequence::encode_b64(std::string &&)

The config file includes some additional elements, most notably an exclude filter, which tells clang-uml to skip all private methods as well as participants_order list, which allows us to adjust the order to the sequence participants in the final diagram (although usually the default order is just fine). Also, this time we want to include condition statements (generate_condition_statements: true) as well as any comments preceding call expressions (generate_message_comments: true). This produces the following diagram:

advanced sequence diagram

Here the benefit of sequence diagrams is I think rather obvious. In one small diagram we can see not only all generated template instantiations, but also which of them handle which calls and in what order when sending a message.

Package diagrams

Sometimes we’re interested in a more high level view of the codebase structure, which can be reflected in a package diagram, especially if it contains dependencies between the packages. Similarly to packages in class diagrams, clang-uml can generate the package diagrams from namespaces, directories and C++20 modules.

Namespace dependencies

Let’s see what it looks like for a namespace package diagram:

#include <array>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

namespace namespace_package {
namespace A::AA {
namespace A1 {
struct CA { };
namespace A2 {
template <typename T> struct CB {
    T cb;
namespace A3 {
struct CC { };
namespace A4 {
struct CD { };
namespace A5 {
struct CE { };
namespace A6 {
struct CF { };
namespace A7 {
struct CG { };
namespace A8 {
struct CH { };
namespace A9 {
struct CI { };
namespace A10 {
struct CJ { };
namespace A11 {
struct CK { };
namespace A12 {
struct CL { };
namespace A13 {
struct CM { };
namespace A14 {
struct CN { };
namespace A15 {
struct CO { };
namespace A16 {
struct CP { };
namespace A17 {
struct CR { };
namespace A18 {
enum class S { s1, s2, s3 };
namespace B::BB::BBB {
class CBA : public A::AA::A6::CF {
    A::AA::A1::CA *ca_;
    A::AA::A2::CB<int> cb_;
    std::shared_ptr<A::AA::A3::CC> cc_;
    std::map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<A::AA::A4::CD>> *cd_;
    std::array<A::AA::A15::CO, 5> co_;
    static A::AA::A16::CP *cp_;

    CBA() = default;

    CBA(A::AA::A14::CN *cn) { }

    friend A::AA::A17::CR;

    template <typename... Item> CBA(std::tuple<Item...> &items) { }

    void ce(const std::vector<A::AA::A5::CE> /*ce_*/) { }

    std::shared_ptr<A::AA::A7::CG> cg() { return {}; }

    template <typename T>
    void ch(std::map<T, std::shared_ptr<A::AA::A8::CH>> &ch_)

    template <typename T>
    std::map<T, std::shared_ptr<A::AA::A9::CI>> ci(T * /*t*/)
        return {};

    A::AA::A18::S s;

void cj(std::unique_ptr<A::AA::A10::CJ> /*cj_*/) { }
} // namespace namespace_package

with the following config:

    type: package
      - namespace_package.cpp
        - namespace_package
    using_namespace: namespace_package

produces the following diagram:

namespace package diagram

The dashed arrows represent package dependencies (in this case namespace dependencies), i.e. an arrow from B::BB::BBB to A::AA::A1 means that some class in B::BB::BBB uses some declaration from A::AA::A1 (in this case it’s A::AA::A1::CA).

Relationship lines are actually links to source code on GitHub, you can click on them and you should get to the respective line in the code.

This type of diagram can be very useful in larger code bases, where you want to maintain a strict separation of concerns between components. By having this diagram generated as part of CI we can continuously monitor whether some unwanted dependencies haven’t crept in into the code.

Include diagrams

Finally, clang-uml can also generate include dependency graph diagrams.

Simple include graph diagram

Let’s consider a very simple code spread over a few files:


#pragma once

#include "lib1/lib1.h"
#include <yaml-cpp/yaml.h>
#include <string>

namespace basic_include {
int foo() { return lib1::foo2(); }
} // namespace basic_include


#pragma once

namespace basic_include::lib1 {
int foo2() { return 0; }
} // namespace basic_include::lib1


#include "../include/include1.h"

namespace basic_include {
} // namespace basic_include

The config file for this diagram looks like this:

    type: include
      - src/include_diagram.cpp
    generate_system_headers: true
    relative_to: include_diagram
        - .

The generate_system_headers tells clang-uml to also show system header files (included using angle brackets) directly included by project code, render paths relative to include_diagram subdirectory and only include files in that subdirectory (except for the system headers). The resulting diagram looks as follows:

basic include

Dashed arrows represent system includes, regular arrows represent internal includes.

Diagram filters

As I mentioned at the beginning, diagram filters are the key feature of clang-uml, enabling declarative specification of each diagram scope in a way that on the one hand enables describing what the diagram should contain, but on the other hand is flexible enough so that it doesn’t have to be updated too often as code evolves.

Filters can be specified separately for each diagram, and they can be added as either include or exclude filters, depending on which is more appropriate for a given diagram.

Filters can be defined in 2 modes:

The basic (and default) mode is much simpler and usually sufficient. The include filters tell clang-uml to only include in the diagram elements, which match the predicates, and exclude filter tells clang-uml to additionally remove from those some subset of elements.

This however has it’s limitations, for instance it is not possible to specify that you want to exclude std namespace, but include at the same time std::thread class. In order to achieve this the advanced mode has to be used, which provides logical operators anyof and allof to create more complex filtering logic.

Some examples of diagram filters are presented below.

Inheritance diagram of all subclasses of class ns1::A

    type: class
    glob: ['*.cc']
    using_namespace: ns1
        - ns1::A
        - inheritance

Dependency diagram of all dependencies and dependants of class ns1::A

    type: class
    glob: ['*.cc']
    using_namespace: ns1
        - ns1::A
        - ns1::A

Diagram of all elements in a direct or indirect relationship with ns1::A (up to a radius of 2)

    type: class
    glob: ['*.cc']
    using_namespace: ns1
        - match:
            radius: 2
            pattern: ns1::A

Advanced diagram filter inclusion with subclasses and namespaces

    type: class
    filter_mode: advanced
    glob: ['*.cc']
    include_system_headers: true
          - ns1
          - std
          - match:
              radius: 2
              pattern: A
          - private
          - public
          - protected
          - dependency

For more examples see the test cases of clang-uml, which are documented here. For each test case there is the diagram configuration, source code and generated diagrams included on each test page.

Example use cases

Below are a few examples of how clang-uml can help visualize various aspects of actual C++ or C code.

Visualizing class context

Let’s try to create a class context diagram for LLVM Clang class clang::comments::Parser. A context diagram in clang-uml for a class contains all elements, which are in some relationship to the context root. In general we can provide a radius, which will include all elements reachable from the root by N relations, but for now let’s use the default which is 1.

The following config:

    type: class
      - clang/lib/AST/CommentParser.cpp
    using_namespace: clang
        - clang
        - clang::comments::Parser

produces the following diagram:


That is not very readable. Let’s try to make this a little less cluttered:

    type: class
      - clang/lib/AST/CommentParser.cpp
    using_namespace: clang
        - clang
        - clang::comments::Parser
    exclude:                                 # <---
      access: [public, protected, private]   # <---
      relationships:                         # <---
        - dependency                         # <---

and the resulting diagram is much nicer:


Visualizing template specializations

In some cases it can be helpful to see how template specialization are dependent on each other, however it is not always obvious from the code. Consider the following contrived example:

#include <map>
#include <string>

namespace deduced_context {
template <typename T> struct A;
template <typename U> struct A<U &> {
    U &u;
template <typename U> struct A<std::map<std::string, U> &> {
    U &u;
template <>
struct A<std::map<std::string, std::map<std::string, std::string>> &> { };
template <typename U> struct A<U **> {
    U **u;
template <typename U> struct A<U **const *> {
    U ***u;
template <typename U> struct A<U const *const volatile> {
    U ***u;
template <typename U> struct A<U &&> {
    U &&u;
template <typename U> struct A<U const &> {
    U const &u;
template <typename M, typename C> struct A<M C::*> {
    C &c;
    M C::*m;
template <typename M, typename C> struct A<M C::*&&> {
    C &&c;
    M C::*m;
template <typename M, typename C, typename Arg> struct A<M (C::*)(Arg)> {
    C &c;
    M C::*m;
} // namespace deduced_context

with the following config:

    type: class
      - deduced_context.cpp
        - deduced_context
    using_namespace: deduced_context
        - left to right direction

and the result is:


In this diagram we can immediately see the dependencies between specific template specialization of the A<T> template, based on deduced context.

Visualizing template meta-programming code

Another use case for UML diagrams can be related to template meta-programming. Let’s try to visualize using clang-uml a simple type list implementation:

#include <iostream>
#include <type_traits>

/// Based on recursive-types-through-inheritance example from:

namespace recursive_list {
template <typename... T> struct HList;

template <> struct HList<> {
    static constexpr bool isEmpty() noexcept { return true; }

template <typename T0, typename... TRest>
struct HList<T0, TRest...> : HList<TRest...> {
    using head_type = T0;
    using tail_type = HList<TRest...>;

    static constexpr bool isEmpty() noexcept { return false; }

    [[no_unique_address]] head_type value_{};

    constexpr HList() = default;
    template <typename U0, typename... URest>
    constexpr HList(U0 &&u0, URest &&...urest)
        : tail_type(std::forward<URest>(urest)...)
        , value_(std::forward<U0>(u0)) { }

    head_type &head() & { return value_; }
    const head_type &head() const & { return value_; }
    head_type &&head() && { return value_; }

    tail_type &tail() & { return *this; }
    const tail_type &tail() const & { return *this; }
    tail_type &&tail() && { return *this; }

template <typename... T> HList(T...) -> HList<T...>;

template <typename T>
concept IsArithmetic = std::is_arithmetic_v<T>;

template <IsArithmetic... T> struct Arithmetic : HList<T...> {

    using HList<T...>::HList;

    constexpr double sum() const { return sumImpl(*this); }

    static constexpr double seed() { return 100.0; }

    template <typename L> static constexpr double sumImpl(const L &list) {
        if constexpr (L::isEmpty()) {
            return seed();
        } else {
            return static_cast<double>(list.head()) + sumImpl(list.tail());

int tmain() {
    constexpr Arithmetic<int, float, double> a{11, 12, 13};

    return a.sum();
} // namespace recursive_list

Let’s create 2 diagrams from this code, a class diagram and a sequence diagram:

    type: class
      - type_list.cpp
    using_namespace: type_list
        - type_list
    type: sequence
      - type_list.cpp
    using_namespace: type_list
        - type_list
      - function: "type_list::tmain()"



One interesting thing here is how equivalent template specializations are represented, i.e. with circular template instantiation relationship between HList<T...> and HList<TRest...>. These templates represent the same exact type, but in the code they occur in different places with different names for the template parameter. The rationale for this is that it’s less confusing when we track their relationships visually. In the future there might be a configuration option to merge these into just one diagram element (e.g. just HList<T...>).



Even though the calls happen in release build at compile time they are still included in the sequence diagram.

This diagram shows how variadic pack recursion works in practice, i.e. each consecutive call is performed on a template instantiation based on the TRest... of the previous pack expansion until we get to a template instantiation with no types (yes, I know it’s obvious - but maybe not necessarily to someone who is just learning template metaprogramming). One more thing worth mentioning here, is that the if constexpr statement cannot be rendered here as alt block, because each if constexpr branch is actually in a different method.

Tracking code structure changes in code

For this example let’s use a popular C++ library facebook/folly by Meta. Out of various useful utils in the library we’ll try to visualize the evolution of folly::Executor class hierarchy across various revisions. In order not to repeat the diagram definition for each revision, we’ll use yet another clang-uml feature - diagram templates:

compilation_database_dir: debug
output_directory: diagrams
# Add some compile flags to compilation database to make Clang happy
  - -Wno-unknown-warning-option
  - -Wno-nullability-completeness
  - -march=x86-64
# Add links to the code on GitHub            
    .:{{ git.commit }}/{{ element.source.path }}#L{{ element.source.line }}  
  # Diagram template for executor class hierarchy
    type: class
    description: Template for folly::Executor class hierarchy
    template: |
      "executors_class_diagram_{{ version }}":
        type: class
        title: "'folly::Executor' class hierarchy diagram {{ version }}"
          - folly/executors/*.cpp
          - folly
            - folly::Executor
            - inheritance
            - folly
            - folly/executors
            - folly/Executor.h
            - folly::detail
          access: [public, protected, private]
            - left to right direction

To automate the process of checking out specific folly revision and generating compile_commands.json we can use the following script:



# Some hand picked tags

# Generate a diagram for each selected Git tag
for tag in ${tags[@]}; do
    echo "Generating diagram for tag $tag"
    git checkout $tag
    $clang_uml_bin --generate-from-template executors_class_diagram_tmpl --template-var version=$tag

# Generate SVG diagrams from PlantUML sources
plantuml -tsvg diagrams/*.puml

Executing the script produces the following diagrams:







Visualizing design patterns

Another useful feature of UML diagrams is visualizing design patterns in code. In practice, this can be very handy when we know a certain part of the code was written according to some design pattern, but with time that neatly constructed code can easily ‘evolve’ into something else entirely. One way to keep that in check is to generate a diagram for that piece of code as part of CI and verify between PR’s whether the code structure still resembles the intended design pattern.

Let’s consider a more modern variant of the classic visitor pattern, which doesn’t use virtual methods but templates and CRTP (Curiously Recurring Template Pattern):

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

namespace nonvirtual_visitor_pattern {
template <typename Derived> struct Visitable {
    template <typename Visitor> void accept(Visitor &v) {
        v.visit(static_cast<Derived &>(*this));

struct Foo : public Visitable<Foo> {
    int fooValue{0xF00};

struct Bar : public Visitable<Bar> {
    std::string barValue{"BAR"};

struct PrintVisitor {
    void visit(Foo &foo) {
        std::cout << "Visiting Foo: " << foo.fooValue << std::endl;

    void visit(Bar &bar) {
        std::cout << "Visiting Bar: " << bar.barValue << std::endl;

int tmain() {
    Foo foo;
    Bar bar;

    PrintVisitor visitor;


    return 0;
} // namespace nonvirtual_visitor_pattern

First let’s generate a class diagram using the following config:

    type: class
      - nonvirtual_visitor_pattern.cpp
    using_namespace: nonvirtual_visitor_pattern
        - nonvirtual_visitor_pattern

the diagram looks like this:


and also a sequence diagram just in case:

    type: sequence
      - nonvirtual_visitor_pattern.cpp
    using_namespace: nonvirtual_visitor_pattern
        - nonvirtual_visitor_pattern
      - function: "nonvirtual_visitor_pattern::tmain()"


Now with every refactoring, or addition of new visited types we can check visually whether the code still resembles a visitor pattern at least to some extent.

Visualizing sequence diagrams in C code

Sequence diagrams were originally designed as a means for visualizing message passing between participants in a system. In C++, participants are simply classes and messages are the method calls, but what participants can we have in plain C? clang-uml supports actually 2 types of participants in C code:

Visualizing calls originating from a specific function

Let’s try to visualize some function sequence graph for cURL library, in particular it’s easy interface.

We’ll try to visualize call sequence originating from curl_easy_send(...). The config for the diagram can look like this:

    type: sequence
    title: "'curl_easy_send' sequence diagram"
      include: [lib/**/*.c]
      exclude: [lib/mprintf.c]
      paths: [lib/,include/curl]
    combine_free_functions_into_file_participants: true
    generate_message_comments: true
    message_comment_width: 50
    generate_condition_statements: true
      - function: "curl_easy_send(CURL *,const void *,size_t,size_t *)"

The glob pattern includes all translation units from lib directory except for mprintf.c (which generates a lot of uninteresting calls). The resulting diagram looks like this:


This is not too big as far as sequence diagrams go - especially if opened in a separate browser window - but we can notice that there are several uninteresting calls (related to some list and hashmap handling). Let’s try to skip them using additional exclude patterns in glob:

    type: sequence
    title: "'curl_easy_send' sequence diagram"
      include: [lib/**/*.c]
      exclude: [lib/mprintf.c, lib/hash.c, lib/llist.c] # <--
      paths: [ lib/, include/curl ]
    combine_free_functions_into_file_participants: true
    generate_message_comments: true
    message_comment_width: 50
    generate_condition_statements: true
      - function: "curl_easy_send(CURL *,const void *,size_t,size_t *)"

and we get a nicely reduced diagram:


Hint: message names in the diagram are actually hyperlinks, clicking them will redirect you to the relevant cURL source code line on GitHub.

From this diagram we can see straight away, the complete chain of calls and files involved in performing this operation, instead of navigating manually through our IDE’s Go to... functionality (oh, so cURL inhibits SIGPIPE signals when performing actual send…).

Visualizing function usage in a code base

Another use for sequence diagrams can be to discover how a specific method or function is used within a code base, i.e. where the calls to this function originate and what is the sequence of calls that end in this function. For example, let’s see how cURL’s Curl_conn_send(...) function is used. For this we have to create a diagram config without the starting from condition, but instead the diagram will have an end condition to:

    type: sequence
    title: "'Curl_conn_send' usage sequence diagram"
      include: [lib/**/*.c]
      exclude: [tests/libtest/*.c, lib/mprintf.c, lib/hash.c, lib/llist.c]
      paths: [ lib/, include/curl ]
    combine_free_functions_into_file_participants: true
    generate_message_comments: true
    message_comment_width: 50
    generate_condition_statements: true
      - function: "Curl_conn_send(struct Curl_easy *,int,const void *,size_t,_Bool,size_t *)"

Unfortunately, this function is quite popular in the cURL codebase and the resulting diagram is too big to show in a blog post (but you can open it here).

Let’s however assume that for some reason we’re only interested in the calls to this function that originate somewhere in the mqtt API of cURL. We can specify a from_to condition which binds sequences from both sides, but in this case we won’t specify a concrete starting point, but we’ll use a regular expression to say that we’re interested in any function whose name starts with mqtt_:

    type: sequence
    title: "'Curl_conn_send' usage in mqtt API sequence diagram"
      include: [lib/**/*.c]
      exclude: [tests/libtest/*.c, lib/mprintf.c, lib/hash.c, lib/llist.c]
      paths: [ lib/, include/curl ]
    combine_free_functions_into_file_participants: true
    generate_message_comments: true
    message_comment_width: 50
    generate_condition_statements: true
      - - function:
            r: "mqtt_.*"
        - function: "Curl_conn_send(struct Curl_easy *,int,const void *,size_t,_Bool,size_t *)"

and the resulting diagram is below:


The diagram shows there are 5 different ways the Curl_conn_send() is called from the mqtt interface. Since this diagram doesn’t visualize function activities, only call paths across the code, it doesn’t have any activity lifelines.

This diagram has been generated on a specific platform (x86_64, release mode, Linux, single thread, etc…). With different configuration options the diagram could look different so if necessary make sure you generate diagrams using compile_commands.json for all relevant targets in your build system.

Visualizing component dependencies

Now let’s consider another issue in large code bases, that is of interdependencies among application components. Typically large code base is structured in some way, either through namespaces, directories, submodules or today C++20 modules.

As the code evolves, dependencies between individual components often tend to increase, as it’s just easier and faster to directly use another component functionality when needed instead of abstracting that dependency away.

One way to tackle this is to maintain an up-to-date dependency graph, which can be used to visually or algorithmically detect unwanted dependencies and raise a red flag during a pull request.

For this example, let’s try to use some bigger C++ project, for instance one that is in top 5 C++ project on GitHub (at least according to this ranking) - Godot.

Godot developers are not very big on C++ namespaces, all code seems to be in root namespace, fortunately it is neatly structured into a filesystem hierarchy, so we’ll use subdirectories to represent packages in the diagrams. First we have to prepare the compilation_database.json:

git clone && cd godot
git checkout 4.3-stable
scons platform=linuxbsd compiledb=true compile_commands.json
$ jq length compile_commands.json

2305 translation units to work with - ok. Let’s prepare the .clang-uml config for a package diagram based on directory structure. We can reduce the number of translation units that need to be processed by specifying in glob which parts of the code we’re really interested in:

compilation_database_dir: .
output_directory: ../diagrams
  - -Wno-deprecated-builtins
  - -Wno-unknown-warning-option
  - -Wno-unused-but-set-variable
  - -Wno-ordered-compare-function-pointers
  - -mno-sse
  link: '{{ git.commit }}/{{ element.source.path }}#L{{ element.source.line }}'
  tooltip: '{% if existsIn(element, "comment") and existsIn(element.comment, "brief") %}{{ abbrv(trim(replace(element.comment.brief.0, "\n+", " ")), 256) }}{% else %}{{ }}{% endif %}'
    type: package
    package_type: directory
      - core/**/*.cpp
      - drivers/**/*.cpp
      - editor/**/*.cpp
      - main/**/*.cpp
      - misc/**/*.cpp
      - modules/**/*.cpp
      - scene/**/*.cpp
      - servers/**/*.cpp
        - .

Now, this took some tinkering to get right, especially with respect to additional compile flags that were required by Clang to parse the entire codebase, however now we can generate the diagram. To change things a little, instead of generating PlantUML we will generate GraphML graph:

$ clang-uml -n godot_package_diagram -g graphml -p
Processing translation units and generating diagrams:
godot_package_...[███████████████████████████████████] [31m:24s] 951/951 ✔                                                                                   

951 translation units and ~30 minutes later we have the diagram.

Currently each diagram is generated in a single thread, so we are processing 951 translation one by one while building the intermediate diagram model. However multiple diagrams can be generated at the same time on separate threads.

In order to convert the GraphML into SVG, we’ll use yED graph editor. yED allows to load any valid GraphML document, but since GraphML doesn’t have a standard way of encoding labels or URL’s in the graph, we have to also load a custom properties mapping file: clang-uml.cnfx - more detailed instructions are here. Finally we can run one of many available layout algorithms in yED and we get the diagram:


The diagram above is just a PNG, the full SVG can be downloaded here and the GraphML source here.

Well, unless you’re a hardcore Factorio fan, this diagram is probably not very interesting. But fortunately we can use diagram filters to focus on a specific aspect of the code. Let’s say we’re responsible for the core/crypto component, and we want to know all components that directly depend on it as well as components that core/crypto directly depends on:

    type: package
    package_type: directory
      - core/**/*.cpp
      - drivers/**/*.cpp
      - editor/**/*.cpp
      - main/**/*.cpp
      - misc/**/*.cpp
      - modules/**/*.cpp
      - scene/**/*.cpp
      - servers/**/*.cpp
        - .
        - "core/crypto"

And the result is:


Thanks to the generate_links option in the config file, the relationships in the SVG diagram are also links to locations in source code on GitHub, from which they originate, so for instance if you’re interested why scene/main component depends on core/crypto just click the respective dependency line (or here).

Calculating code statistics based on JSON generator

Another generator supported by clang-uml is JSON generator. This generator, instead of generating PlantUML or MermaidJS, dumps the internal diagram model representation into a JSON document. This can be useful for things like custom documentation generation, code statistics, code search or even generating diagrams in some other tools.

Let’s try to generate some statistics for yaml-cpp open-source library, using clang-uml JSON generator, excluding detail namespace:

  type: class
  title: All classes diagram
    - src/*.cpp
      - YAML
      - YAML::detail

In case of class diagram, the JSON document contains basically a list of elements and a list of relationships between these elements. Let’s see what some random element looks like:

cat all_class.json | jq '.elements[10]'
  "bases": [],
  "display_name": "NodeType",
  "id": "11971162833605890825",
  "is_abstract": false,
  "is_nested": false,
  "is_struct": true,
  "is_template": false,
  "is_union": false,
  "members": [],
  "methods": [],
  "name": "NodeType",
  "namespace": "YAML",
  "source_location": {
    "column": 8,
    "file": "include/yaml-cpp/node/type.h",
    "line": 11,
    "translation_unit": "src/memory.cpp"
  "template_parameters": [],
  "type": "class"

Some more examples of things we can find out from the JSON output are:

$ cat all_class.json | jq '.elements[] | select(.type|test("enum")) | .display_name'
$ cat all_class.json | jq '.elements[] | select(.type|test("class")) | .display_name' | wc -l
$ cat all_class.json | jq '.elements[] | select(.display_name|test("YAML::Node")) | .methods[] | select(.name) | .name'
$ cat all_class.json | jq '.relationships[] | select(.type|test("extension")) | .source' |  wc -l

$ cat all_class.json | jq '.relationships[] | select(.type|test("instantiation")) | .source' | wc -l


In this blog post I tried to present a case for usefulness of diagrams generated from existing C++ code (not the other way round!). And while I do believe that in the end the source code should be the final source of truth, reading it doesn’t have to be the only way to understand the code, especially on high level.

In terms of the functionality provided by clang-uml, the above examples are by far exhaustive, a more detailed list of feature can be found here. Another way to see all the features is to browse through the test cases documentation here, which is a byproduct of the clang-uml test suite that is executed on very build.

P.S. Development history

Below is a brief history of how clang-uml evolved over the last 3 years.



0.3.X - 0.5.X


Image from The Sail @ Marina Bay, SG
The Sail @ Marina Bay, SG, © 2011
Hasselblad 503CX, Ilford HP5+

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Alternative ADL model serialization functions with nlohmann::json