My name is Bartek Kryza (the first name is a nickname for Bartosz - like in that German sci-fi show).
I’m located in Krakow, Poland.
I’m a software developer, specializing in storage systems, networking and file system programming as well as building software development tools. I mostly use C++ and Python.
As my day job I currently work at ACC Cyfronet AGH on Onedata.
Some of my personal open source work:
- clang-uml - generate class, sequence, package and include UML diagrams from C/C++/ObjC code
- clang-include-graph - generate and analyze include graphs from C/C++ projects directly in the command line
- decorest - decorator based REST client
This blog has been built with Astro framework and AstroPaper theme.
All black and white photographs in this blog were taken by me using a variety of small and medium format film cameras - all rights reserved.